加拿大華人金絲帶, Gold Ribbon Society of Canada 是加拿大第一個關注華人重病兒童和家庭的非牟利機構。 重病兒童,是指需要長期在BC兒童醫院住院或者長期進出醫院,進行治療,而且患有威脅生命的重病,比如兒童癌症和罕見病。
金絲帶成立了半年以來,已經了扶持了22個華人病童, 最小的是2歲,最大的是17歲。 最短的治療時間是也有2年,最長的,已經達到6年。
The Gold Ribbon Society of Canada is the country's first non-profit organization dedicated to seriously ill children and their families. Severely ill children are those who have long-term hospitalizations at BC Children's Hospital or who enter and exit the hospital for treatment on a regular basis and are suffering from serious life-threatening diseases such as childhood cancer and rare diseases.
Golden Ribbon has helped 22 sick children, the youngest of whom is 2 years old and the oldest of whom is 17 years old, since its inception half a year ago.
The shortest treatment time has been two years, and the longest has been six years.
Ivy是其中一個机构负责人。 6年前,孩子突然被診斷重病,同時,因為疾病,孩子也失去了所有的視力。從此,他們家開始了長達6年的治療。 在醫院照顧孩子的時間,Ivy開始認識其他病童家長。 她深感病童家長的辛勞和壓力,特別是華人家長,因為語言障礙,在異鄉國度更加是感到孤獨和無助。在照顧孩子的同時,她開始帶玩具,食物去看望其他病房的華人家庭,跟他們分享經驗,為特困家庭做籌款,送上鼓舞和支持。
One of the organizations is led by Ivy.
Her child was diagnosed with a terrible disease six years ago.
At the same time, the sickness caused the child to lose all of his vision.
Their family has been receiving treatment for the past six years.
Ivy became acquainted with the parents of other sick children while caring for them at the hospital.
She understands the hardships and pressures faced by parents with sick children, particularly Chinese parents.
She feels lonely and powerless in a foreign nation due to the language barrier. She began bringing toys and food to Chinese families in different wards, sharing experiences with them, raising finances for really impoverished families, and sending encouragement and support while caring for the children.
Because of the significant challenges faced by the families of sick children, some moms and other friends formed the Canadian Chinese Golden Ribbon Association in April of this year (2020), and used their experiences and practical efforts to support this group. families have been left in a terrible situation.
金絲帶協會,所有的工作人員都是義工,都是靠著一份關懷的心去幫助他人。 所有得到的捐贈,100%用於病童家庭。金絲帶會把玩具,禮物,送到BC 兒童醫院,或者病童家庭。
The Golden Ribbon Association's whole workforce is made up of volunteers who are motivated by a desire to help others. All donations go to sick children's families in their entirety. The Golden Ribbon will donate toys and gifts to BC Children's Hospital and sick children's families.
Gold Ribbon is presently collecting Christmas gifts and grocery gift cards to send Christmas blessings to children who are hospitalized or receiving treatment during the holidays.
希望大家加入金絲帶的愛心隊伍,一起關懷在困難中的華人家庭。 同时,也希望在社会上,传递更多的正能量和快乐。
We hope that everyone will join the Golden Ribbon caring team and help families in need.
At the same time, we hope to spread more positive energy and happiness throughout society.
請加Ivy 微信: ivysunnysunny
Participate in the volunteer team, and donate gifts, Please add Ivy WeChat: ivysunnysunny
網站: www.goldribbonsociety.com